Hello, and welcome to our humble corner of the internet. We have decided to create this website to store information about our system without subjecting ourselves to the fickle whims of baby-raging CEOs or biased algorithms which could erase our presence on other platforms in the blink of an eye. Here you will be able to find details regarding our system's origins, who we are, why we're here, and whatever else we feel like sharing with the faceless freaks and weirdos scuttling around these parts. Since you're here anyway, you could also indulge us with a chat to the right there. It's free. It's easy. We're desperate for social connection.

All jokes aside (who said that was a joke?), there are some things you should know about us before delving deeper into our virtual footprint on the World Wide Web. We are a pariogenic gateway system comprised entirely of soulbonds with two subsystems. One is the Mirror Mirror subsystem which belongs to Lavi; the other is an unnamed kin subsystem belonging to Lysandre still undergoing personal development and exploration. Lavi's system is traumagenic in nature, persisting from his past life in which he had DID. In this way we are comprised of mixed origins, but the Anarchy System itself is 100% endogenic.

So what does this all mean, exactly, and why are we vomiting this information at you like some sort of disclosure? Well, we're acutely aware

that there are people out there who think themselves a superior kind of being capable of passing judgement on what are and are not possible and/or plausible experiences to have. (That's verbose fuckface language for calling out antis.) That being the case, we want it made abundantly clear that we have no patience for anyone who would attempt to convince us that we have DID as a whole or accuse us of faking a disorder we do not claim to have.

If you have any such intent, we ask that you please excuse yourself from our website. We simply exist and that is the end of the discussion. On the other hand, of course, if you have questions spawned from genuine curiosity, you are more than welcome to approach us without fear of scorn or mockery. We do love to talk about ourselves quite a lot. Casual conversation is always welcomed here. We would be especially tickled if you chatted with us about any of your special interests or hyperfixations. We would be chuffed to hear about them.

With that out of the way, we do hope you find our website interesting at the very least. If not, that's alright, too. This sort of thing isn't very popular nowadays, is it? No matter. There are enough of us to keep ourselves entertained here regardless.

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