system info

01 The nature of our collective is not pathological and we do not claim to be such. Please refrain from referring to us as a DID / OSDD system or any of our headmates as "alters", "fragments", "parts", etc. You can refer to members of our main system as soulbonds, headmates, or ghosts. In referring to our kin system, these members can be called headmates or kintypes. For Lavi's subsystem, the phrase "alter" is acceptable when referring to his headmates exclusively.

02 The body IS neurodivergent in other ways, such as having ADHD, autism, OCD, and some other stuff, and it has experienced trauma, but this is not what caused the system to form. The body is also a 21+ adult and we prefer to avoid interacting with minors in most spaces.

03 Collectively, we are a pariogenic gateway magistien system (see the faq). The main system is comprised of soulbonds who have passed on from their origin, much like a sort of rest stop in limbo. Soulbonds will come and go. We also have a metagenic sidesystem inhabited by the crux's kintypes, and a traumagenic bondsystem belonging to a headmate with DID. Lately there have been rumblings of a new layer taking shape in the form of a parastrata. More to come on that when we have more information.

04 The crux (alternative to "Host") is largely front-locked, though headmates can still co-front occasionally. However, this can be very difficult and exhausting, so our headmates primarily communicate through the crux with proxies.

05 There is a second layer to our system that exists as the crux's soulscape where he communicates exclusively with a Kankri soulbond who still exists as a ghost in his universe's dream bubbles. This layer is inaccessible by any other system member and Kankri is unable to front without exerting immense energy in order to possess the body.

06 We do have members who are minors or ageslide to a younger age, so please be conscious of what content you're sharing when speaking with a specific headmate. Ages and age ranges can be found on the members page, and if you're ever unsure, please ask.

07 Some collective system boundaries are as follows:

  • Always ask before using pet names for anyone.
  • We find it difficult to use and interpret tone indicators. It is more helpful if you directly state the intent behind your message.
  • Doubles are welcome to interact with anyone in the system, but we are wary of anyone who claims to be our canonmate (i.e. someone we shared a timeline with) due to past experiences. It may take us a long time to trust you enough to believe that.
  • Members of our system no longer partake in system travel due to past experiences. If you claim someone in our system travelled to yours, we will know you are lying and you will be blocked.

08 We have recently developed a subsystem comprised of the crux's kintypes. These past lives still share the crux's innerworld body, but now exist autonomously within their own innerworld. You can find information about these system members on the crux's kin carrd (member page in the works).

System Flags


Q Why did you pick your system name?

  • We originally called ourselves the "Aether System", which we felt described us best in the earlier stages of our system as we collectively felt like a nebulous cluster of people and thoughts and feelings we didn't wholly understand at that point. Since then, we have begun to go by the title of "Anarchy System" now that we have formally rooted ourselves in our beliefs and identities, which are still rather chaotic, but our sense of community with and respect for one another has developed beyond just that.

Q What does "endogenic" mean?

  • It's a term used to define a plural system that wasn’t explicitly formed by trauma, though this does not mean the "host" or "core" of the system is without trauma entirely, nor does it mean that an endogenic system is wholly non-pathological, as endogenic origins can range from spiritual, emotional, or from other mental disorders, but not DID / OSDD.

Q What does "pariogenic" mean?

  • An endogenic specification, pariogenic refers to systems who are primarily comprised of walk-ins and/or soulbonds. Pariogenic systems may also consider themselves spirigenic and/or metagenic.

Q What does "metagenic" mean?

  • Metagenic systems are ones that formed with metaphysical or spiritual origins not necessarily tied to any religion or practice.

Q What is a "magistien system"?

  • Synonymous with "polyplex", magistien systems are made up of multiple sisasystems that form the collective. In our case, we are magistien due to having a bondsystem, kin sidesystem, the crux's soulscape, and a parastrata in addition to our main system/layer.

Q What is a "gateway system"?

  • It's a type of plural system that possesses a "gateway" that allows system members (commonly referred to as headmates, mindmates, or walk-ins, amoung other terms) to pass to and from the system freely from some other universe / dimension / paracosm or other plane of existence.

Q What is a "soulbond"?

  • A being, soul, or spirit which "latches on" to the soulbonder and may originate from another universe / dimension / paracosm or other plane of existence in which the soulbond lived previously or lives currently and may either exist tangentially or intersectionally with the soulbonder’s plane of existence, meaning the soulbond could still reside within their physical body in their original plane of existence while their "soul" can interact with the soulbounder, or that the soulbond resides only within the "soulscape" of the soulbonder.

Q Why do you use so many labels?

  • Putting a name to an experience helps us to rationalise why we are having that experience and how to manage it. It's comforting, to us, to know that some of our experiences are not isolated and that there resources and information to explain and cope with certain things. The crux never expected to become part of a collective in the first place, so being able to categorise and organise this phenomenon provides clarity and reassurance.

Q How are you, the crux, able to date your own headmates?

  • Very easily, actually. You see, when people develop romantic feelings for one another, the typical next step is to enter an intimate relationship together. That's how we do it, anyway. Hope this helps.

Q How did you become/find out you're a system if not through trauma?

  • (Crux speaking; dormancy tw) The grittier details will be omitted for personal reasons, but in a nutshell: I was around 10-12 when the Originals first appeared in the headspace and were thought to be imaginary friends of characters in a fictional media I was all but obsessed with at the time. They were all very different from me and acted in ways I didn't like sometimes, which should have been the first clue, but as I got a bit older and denied myself their company because I thought it was "childish" to keep them around, they either left through the Gateway or went dormant (and may still be dormant for all I know). Flashforward a few years and I met someone (our abuser) who introduced me to the concept of plurality and I was like...huh. That sounds familiar. People started popping up again, mostly just as disembodied voices at first, until there was a full-blown city in my head. I was in denial about it for a long time at first because my abuser was staunchly anti-system altogether (despite claiming to be the equivalent of a system himself), but here we are.

Q Opinion on syscourse?

  • (Crux speaking) I think a lot of syscourse stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of how and why endogenic systems form and exist. For starters, a lot of exclusionists are under the impression that we are invading DID / OSDD spaces and/or claiming symptoms of the disorder when the very meaning of "endogenic" is the opposite of that. Plural experiences are as unique and varied and nuanced as any other experience surrounding identity and belief, such as religion, transgenderism, and otherkin. I don't think it's right to invalidate someone's existence and experiences simply because you personally don't understand it. That's really all there is to it.

Q How do you know you don't have DID / OSDD if you've experienced trauma?

  • To be perfectly candid with you, we don't know that for absolute certain and we have no intentions of pursuing a professional diagnosis to find out. The way we exist now is perfectly okay with us and our spiritual experiences are so integral to who we are that, as far as we are concerned, this is the only way we can be, and that's okay, too. Is it possible that our headmates are truly parts of the core who is fictionkin with all these people? Sure. We're not going to lose sleep over that possibility, though. There's also the fact that we display very few symptoms associated with DID / OSDD, and our trauma didn't occur in early childhood / adolesence. We know that doesn't rule out the possibility completely, but it's just a point to be considered.

Q What happened to your system?

  • (Crux speaking) After I left our abuser, we experienced a System Collapse wherein we lost a good two-thirds to half our headmates in the span of like a month. Many of us were negatively impacted by what happened and some of them couldn't take it. Some of those headmates have found their way back, but many of them are still MIA. I miss them a lot and I wish I'd had the foresight to avoid putting everyone through what we experienced.

Q You believe in system hopping?

  • In the metaphysical sense of the word, yes. We actually have one permanent soulbond (Wisely) who system hopped to us from our abuser's "system". We hesitate to call it that for reasons stated previously on this page (re: the question about how the system formed), but Wisely, for one, proved himself to be real when he chose to stay with us. However, we no longer partake in system hopping because our abuser claimed that our headmates would travel to his system and do and say things that were very unlike them. Very few instances were intentional on our part, while most of the time we were just confused because...that shit didn't happen.